i want to send as many header key value as i want. which means i dont know how many header key value i would be passing beforehand. I think using .header() or .headers() wont work because to use this i need to know the number of header key value pair i would be putting when I'm writing the code itself and i can't make change unless i change the code itself.
for example : for the first time, i may just set "Content-Type" header. for the second time, i may want to set "Content-type" and "Authorization" header.
I have provided a simple sample code for your reference.
void func(Map<String,String> headerParams) {
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
//some other code goes here
void func2(){
Map<String,String> headerParams = new HashMap<>();
//code that goes here will put necessary header key value pair by asking the user
You can either flatten map or loop through map to build the header
Suppose your Headers Map is
Map<String, List<String>> headers = new HashMap<>();
headers.put("header1", Arrays.asList("a", "b"));
headers.put("header2", Arrays.asList("c"));
headers.put("header3", Arrays.asList("d"));
You can flatten the map to extract the headers from Map
void funcX(Map<String, List<String>> headerParams) throws URISyntaxException {
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
.uri(new URI("some url"))
String[] flattenHeaders(Map<String, List<String>> headersMap) {
return headersMap.entrySet().stream().flatMap(x ->
x.getValue().stream().flatMap(y -> Stream.of(x.getKey(), y))).toArray(String[]::new);
Another way would be just loop through the map to build the header
void funcY(Map<String, List<String>> headerParams) throws URISyntaxException {
HttpRequest request = getBuilder(HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri(new URI("some url")), headerParams)
HttpRequest.Builder getBuilder(HttpRequest.Builder builder, Map<String, List<String>> headerParams){
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> e : headerParams.entrySet()) {
for (String value : e.getValue()) {
builder.header(e.getKey(), value);
return builder;
Prefer the first one over the second approach.