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Program is reading txt file but ignoring the if statement

I have to read a txt file using file-dialog. It works for me but I have an if statement which should ignore ("/"), blank lines and ("["). The if-statement is not working, output is just the original data in txt file, how can I fix it. Below is the full method.

I'm expecting the data of txt file to be without "/" and "["

public void readToolData() { Frame myFrame = new Frame(); FileDialog fileName = new FileDialog(myFrame, "Open", FileDialog.LOAD); fileName.setDirectory("/"); fileName.setVisible(true);

if (fileName != null) {
String filePath = fileName.getDirectory() + fileName.getFile();
System.out.println("selected file:" + fileName);
File fileData = new File(filePath);
 String typeOfData = "";

 try {
// reading the file line by line scanner
    Scanner read = new Scanner(fileData);
     while (read.hasNextLine()) {
String lineOfText = read.nextLine().trim();
// checking non empty or non comment | added ! to the or condition
if (!lineOfText.startsWith("/") && !lineOfText.startsWith("[") || lineOfText.isEmpty())
typeOfData = lineOfText;
Scanner lineReader = new Scanner(lineOfText).useDelimiter(",");
Tool t = new Tool();
      } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } else { System.out.println("Error! No file selected!"); } }


  • Assuming the file in question looks something like this:

    // this is a comment, any lines that start with //
    // (and blank lines) should be ignored
    [ElectricTool data]
    // data is toolName, toolCode, timesBorrowed, onLoan, cost, weight, rechargeable, power
    Makita BHP452RFWX,RD2001,12 , false,14995,1800,true,18V
    Flex Impact Screwdriver FIS439,RD2834,14,true,13499,1200 ,true,10.8V
    DeWalt D23650-GB Circular Saw, RD6582,54,true,14997,5400,false,1350W
    Milwaukee DD2-160XE Diamond Core Drill,RD4734,50,false,38894,9000,false,1500W
    Bosch GSR10.8-Li Drill Driver,RD3021,25, true,9995,820, true,10.8V

    A regular expression or two would work well (I made a couple of other minor changes too):

    public void readToolData() {
        Frame myFrame = new Frame();
        FileDialog fileName = new FileDialog(myFrame, "Select the file to load", FileDialog.LOAD);
        if (fileName.getDirectory() != null && fileName.getFile() != null) {
            String filePath = fileName.getDirectory() + fileName.getFile();
            System.out.printf("Selected file: %1$s\n", fileName);
            File fileData = new File(filePath);
            String typeOfData = "";
            try {
                // pattern for lines to be skipped
                Pattern ptrnSkip = Pattern.compile("(?:^//|\\[)+?.*$");
                // pattern for line delimiter - account for potential leading / trailing spaces
                Pattern ptrnDlim = Pattern.compile(" *, *");
                // read the file line by line
                try (Scanner scnrFile = new Scanner(fileData)) {
                    while (scnrFile.hasNextLine()) {
                        String lineOfText = scnrFile.nextLine().trim();
                        // skip empty lines and comments
                        if (!lineOfText.isEmpty() && !ptrnSkip.matcher(lineOfText).matches()) {
                            System.out.printf("Line read: \"%1$s\"\n", lineOfText);
                            typeOfData = lineOfText;
                            try (Scanner scnrLine = new Scanner(lineOfText).useDelimiter(ptrnDlim)) {
                                String strDesc =;
                                String strCode =;
                                int iBorrowedCount = scnrLine.nextInt();
                                boolean bIsOnLoan = scnrLine.nextBoolean();
                                int iCost = scnrLine.nextInt();
                                int iWeight = scnrLine.nextInt();
                                boolean bIsRechargeable = scnrLine.nextBoolean();
                                String strPowerSrc =;
                                System.out.printf("    Description: %1$s\n", strDesc);
                                System.out.printf("    Code: %1$s\n", strCode);
                                System.out.printf("    Borrowed count: %1$d\n", iBorrowedCount);
                                System.out.printf("    Is on loan?: %1$s\n", bIsOnLoan ? "yes" : "no");
                                System.out.printf("    Cost: %1$d\n", iCost);
                                System.out.printf("    Weight: %1$d\n", iWeight);
                                System.out.printf("    Is rechargeable?: %1$s\n", bIsRechargeable ? "yes" : "no");
                                System.out.printf("    Power source: %1$s\n", strPowerSrc);
                                Tool t = new Tool();
                                // do something with data here
                        } else {
                            System.out.printf("Line skipped: \"%1$s\"\n", lineOfText);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("No file selected");

    The Apache Commons CSV library is nice for reading delimited data. Here is a short intro if you're interested.