How to convert the Unix timestamp(1662091200) to Windows timestamp format in Excel? VBA code might be helpful.
UNIX time can be expressed in two ways (10 and 13 digits). Try the next function, able do deal with both cases:
Function FromUNIX(uT) As Date
If Len(uT) = 10 Then
FromUNIX = DateAdd("s", CDbl(uT), "1/1/1970")
ElseIf Len(uT) = 13 Then
FromUNIX = CDbl(uT) / 86400000 + DateSerial(1970, 1, 1)
MsgBox "No UNIX timestamp passed to be converted..."
End If
End Function
It can be tested as
Sub testFromUnix_()
Dim x As String, y As String, z As Double
x = "1637402076084"
y = "1662091200"
z = 1662091200
Debug.Print FromUNIX(x)
Debug.Print FromUNIX(y)
Debug.Print FromUNIX(y)
End Sub
You can use it as UDF:
Of course, in A2 should be the UNIX time...