Can we access parsed JSON key using logic app variable?
I have a string type variable with value as FY23-01 like below:
And a parsed JSON like below:
"@odata.etag": "",
"FY23-01": "1",
"FY23-02": "2",
"FY23-03": "3",
"FY23-04": "4",
Now I want to get the value of key "FY23-01". I am using below expression and it always returns blank:
Is it supported to use variables in key reference for JSON?
Yes it is supported to use variables in key reference for JSON.
The expression
should work to access the value from Json.
One of the alternative approach is using this expression outputs('Parse_Json')?['body']?[variables('secondContent')]
. I have tried in both the ways and below are steps I followed,
, this also worked and got result.