I am working with room persistence library in android. I know to make an "one to many" relations, but I would like to know if it's possible to make an "one to one to many" relation. Here is a simplified schema of my database (there is more columns in each table) :
Here is the data class that links "Appointment" and "Diagnostic" :
data class AppointmentWithDiagnostic(
val appointment: Appointment,
parentColumn = "idDossier",
entityColumn = "appointmentId"
val diagnostic: Diagnostic,
And the data class that links Diagnostic with description and survey :
data class DiagnosticWithDescriptionAndSurvey(
val diagnostic: Diagnostic,
parentColumn = "id",
entityColumn = "diagnosticId"
val description: Description,
parentColumn = "id",
entityColumn = "diagnosticId"
val survey: Survey,
I thought about making a request that links directly all the tables or linking directly Survey and Description directly to Appointment. If it's not possible to make an "one to one to many" relation, I guess I would go with one of those solutions.
If I understand correctly, you could have:-
data class AppointmentWithDiagnostic(
val appointment: Appointment,
entity = Diagnostic::class, //<<<<<<<<< IMPORTANT
parentColumn = "idDossier",
entityColumn = "appointmentId"
val diagnosticWithDescriptionAndSurvey: DiagnosticWithDescriptionAndSurvey,
Note in-principle code not compiled or run (now compiled)
if you don't specify the entity (IMPORTANT) then the compile will fail as the class defaults to the class of the field and that is not a table (@Entity
error: The class must be either @Entity or @DatabaseView. public final class DiagnosticWithDescriptionAndSurvey {