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Using Nest JS Validation Pipe and class-transformer to get kebab-case query params

I'm trying to make use of Nest JS Validation Pipe to auto transform and validate my GET Request Query Params



On app.module.ts, I have the following code to set global validation pipe

      new ValidationPipe({
        transform: true,
        whitelist: true,
        forbidNonWhitelisted: true,

And I have a DTO to do the validation

class MyValidationDto {
   paramOne: string

   paramTwo: string

And in my controller, I make use of the MyValidationDto class

class MyController {
   ... stuff

   async myFunction (Query() queryParams: MyValidationDto) { ...code }

However, I'm not sure where to go to in order to parse the kebab case query keys param-one and param-two to the camelCase class properties paramOne and paramTwo in the validation DTO

I've tried looking at Nest JS doc, class-validator doc and class-transformer doc, as well as search the highs and lows of internet to no luck. This should be a fairly common case so not sure where I'm going wrong here

Unless this is not possible and I should be using the Query() decorator instead. Please advise :pray:


  • TLDR; There's no native method from NestJS or class-validator to do this for now (a similar feature request is still open on CT repo).

    However, there are a couple of workarounds:

    You can use @Expose() but you still need to customize your error message as the new exposed name won't be passed to the context:

    export class SomeDTO {
      @Expose({ name: 'my-name' })
      myName: string;

    Or you can create a NestJS pipe that normalizes your query params before they hit your controller.

    For example, create a new pipe:

    export class NormalizeQueryParamsPipe implements PipeTransform {
      transform(value: RestaurantDTO, metadata: ArgumentMetadata) {
        const normalizedQueryParams = {
          name: value['my-name'],
        delete normalizedQueryParams['my-name'];
        return normalizedQueryParams;

    Of course, you may do better than renaming attributes manually and using an approach like this combined with this: Basically use class validator methods combined with a transformer that converts your kebab-case keys to camelcase (e.g plainToClass(camelcaseKeys(value), MyValidationDto))

    This transforms your 'my-name' to myName, and you want to have this before the global validation pipe:

    // in main.ts:
    app.useGlobalPipes(new NormalizeQueryParamsPipe());
    app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe());
    // or: app.useGlobalPipes(new NormalizeQueryParamsPipe(), new ValidationPipe());

    In case you are not using a global validation pipe, you can just use @UsePipes() in your controller:

    @UsePipes(new NormalizeQueryParamsPipe())
    async getAll() {