I have 2 entities i.e Customer, Orders with one to many relationship. A customer can have multiple orders and an order can be owned by only one customer. I am creating an api to create order that is a POST
async createOrder(@Body() order: CreateOrderDto) {
const newOrder = await this.orderService.createOrder(order);
return newOrder;
private orderRepository: Repository<Order>,
) {}
async createOrder(order: IOrder) {
const newOrder = this.orderRepository.create(order);
await this.orderRepository.save(newOrder);
return newOrder;
export class CreateOrderDto {
@Length(5, 400)
public description: string;
public amount: number;
public paymentMethod: string;
public customizeName: string;
public weight: string;
public customer: ICustomer;
public products: Array<IProduct>;
I am sending this json from postman
"description": "Customized waullet",
"quantity": 1,
"amount": 1500,
"paymentMethod": "cashOnDelivery",
"customizeName": "Faizan",
"weight": "2.5g",
"customer": {
"fullName": "Anas Subzwari",
"age": 20,
"country": "Pakistan",
"city": "Karachi",
"address": "B-17/519, Indus Mehran Society",
"contactNumber": "+923132953154"
"products": [
"name": "test10 product",
"description": "Customize blue color vaaulid with picture printing",
"cost": 700,
"price": 1200,
"weight": "2.3g"
"name": "Customize vaulid",
"description": "Customize blue color vaaulid with picture printing",
"cost": 700,
"price": 1200,
"weight": "2.3g"
I am getting this error
UpdateValuesMissingError: Cannot perform update query because update values are not defined. Call "qb.set(...)" method to specify updated values.
{"statusCode":500,"timestamp":"2023-02-25T18:06:43.623Z","path":"/orders","method":"POST","errorName":"UpdateValuesMissingError","message":"Cannot perform update query because update values are not defined. Call \"qb.set(...)\" method to specify updated values."}
How can i fix this error?
you need to create the customer frist before you save or get the customer if he is saved products is same issue
async createOrder(order: CreateOrderDto) {
// you can make it transaction to applay (ACID)
const customer = await this.customerRepository.save(order.customer);
// if customer is already saved in database not a new entity only get this entity by id or what ever
// const customer = await this.customerRepository.findOne({where : {id :order.customer.id}});
const products = await this.productsRepository.find({where : {id : In(customer.products.map(p=>p.id))}}
const newOrder = await this.orderRepository.save({...order, customer : newCustomer, products});
return newOrder;