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P5 catch shader compilation errors

I am making a shader editor in the web. Users can create their own shaders in a textarea and it will be applied to a webcam.

The problem is that I have no watch to catch shader compilation errors and display them to the user. They just raise an error in developer console.

My code

    try {
      newShaderObj = pFive.createShader(defaultVertShader, fragShader)
    } catch (e) {

The try / catch here doesn't work; I still get this error shown in console, without the catch ever running

p5.min.js:2 Darn! An error occurred compiling the fragment shader:ERROR: 0:4: 'asd' : syntax error

I'm also getting this other error

p5.min.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'useProgram' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLProgram'.

If I introduce a global window.onerror handler, I can rescue this one:

    window.onerror = (ev, source, lineno, colno, err) => {

But it doesn't tell me anything about the underlying compilation error. Also, that pFive.shader.defaultValidShader doesn't work, and I have to reload the page to get anything working again.

So, what I would really like to do is validate/compile the shader before applying it, and also have a way to handle errors at runtime.


  • I figured this out by looking at the source code in p5 Shader class (in the init function)

    and ended up with the following code:

        newShaderObj = pFive.createShader(defaultVertShader, fragShader)
        shaderError = checkShaderError(shaderObj, fragShader)
        if (shaderError) {
        } else {
          shaderObj = newShaderObj

    And the checkShaderError function:

      checkShaderError = (shaderObj, shaderText) => {
        gl = shaderObj._renderer.GL
        glFragShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
        gl.shaderSource(glFragShader, shaderText)
        if !gl.getShaderParameter(glFragShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS) {
          return gl.getShaderInfoLog(glFragShader)
        return null