The program has to turn a existing Java file (.java) into a PDF. But inside of the PDF, certain keywords have to be colored (int, double, new, ...) like in Netbeans (which I am using). So until now I turned the java file to a string and colored the keywords inside of the string with the ANSI color. But when transitioning to the PDF I can't keep the keywords colored.
Here is my marking/coloring of the keywords in the String:
public static String markKeywords(String doc, String keywords){
String[] keywordsarr = keywords.split(",");
for(int i = 0; i<keywordsarr.length;i++){
String old = " " + keywordsarr[i] + "" ;
String neu = " \u001B[34m" + keywordsarr[i] + "\u001B[0m";
doc = doc.replace(old,neu);
return doc;
And here the transitioning to the pdf:
public static void createPDF(String doc,String loc){
//Font font = new Font(FontFamily.COURIER, 13, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
//Create Font with Encoding
BaseFont fontstd = BaseFont.createFont("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\cour.ttf", BaseFont.WINANSI,
Font font_std = new Font(fontstd, 13);
//Saving pdf file in the same folder
String targetloc = loc.replace(".java", ".pdf");
//creating pdf
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(targetloc));;
Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
p.add(new Chunk(doc, font_std));
}catch(Exception e){
The scripts I have to turn into PDFs are very basic, consisting only of a main and a few other methods. I also haven't found something in itext like String.replace()
" which would be really great if I could change the color of the keywords that way in itext.
Thank you to El-Dow for the inspiration of the code. I added some Improvements, so that the lines aren´t overlapping. i also added some conditions for splitting the String, for Excample on "double[]" only "double" has to be colourded and not the Brackets.
public static void createPDF(String doc,String loc){
//Font font = new Font(FontFamily.COURIER, 13, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
// Font for regular text
BaseFont fontStd = BaseFont.createFont("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\cour.ttf", BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
Font fontRegular = new Font(fontStd, 13);
// Font for keyword text
Font fontKeyword = new Font(fontStd, 13, Font.BOLD, new BaseColor(0, 0, 255)); // blue color
//Saving pdf file in the same folder
String targetloc = loc.replace(".java", ".pdf");
//creating pdf
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(targetloc));;
//Split the document into words
String[] words = doc.split("(?=\\[)|(?=\\.)|(?<=\\()|(?=\\=)|(?<=\\n+)|(?= )|(?<= )");
//Split only by keywords doesn´t work, because some contain others "do" and "double"
// Add each word to the document as a chunk with the appropriate font
for (String word : words) {
if (isKeyword(word)) {
Chunk chunk = new Chunk(word, fontKeyword);
document.add(new Phrase(chunk));
} else {
Chunk chunk = new Chunk(word, fontRegular);
document.add(new Phrase(chunk));
}catch(Exception e){
private static boolean isKeyword(String word){
String keywords = "abstract,continue,for,new,switch,assert,default,if,package,synchronized,boolean,goto,privat,this,break,double,implements,protected,throw,byte,else,import,public,throws,case,enum,instanceof,return,transient,catch,extends,int,short,try,char,final,interface,static,void,class,finally,long,strictfp,volatile,const,float,native,super,while,do";
String[] keywordsarr = keywords.split(",");
for (String keyword : keywordsarr){
return true;
return false;