Here is my MongoDB Collection :
"_id": {
"$oid": "63e9e567a71412b168b38172"
"Love": [
"key": 1,
"title": "Love",
"content": "Q. How many programmers does ittake to change a light bulb? A. None – It’s a hardware problem"
"key": 2,
"title": "Love",
"content": "How to keep a programmer in the shower forever.Show him the shampoo bottle instructions: Lather. Rinse. Repeat."
"Happy": [
"key": 1,
"title": "HAPPY",
"content": "Q. Why did the programmer quit his job? A. Because he didn't get arrays."
"key": 2,
"title": "HAPPY",
"content": "What's the difference between hardware and software? You can hit your hardware with a hammer, but you can only curse at your software."
"Dull": [
"key": 1,
"title": "DULL",
"content": "Job trails from HCL"
"key": 2,
"title": "DULL",
"content": "Job trails from NOWhere"
"Angry": [
"key": 1,
"title": "ANGRY",
"content": "Q. How many programmers doesit take to change a light bulb? A. None – It’s a hardware problem"
"key": 2,
"title": "ANGRY",
"content": "Job trails from NOWhere"
I am getting the values "Love or Dull or Angry or Happy" and also the key that needs to be deleted from the User. Using these values I am trying to delete that perticular field.
For Example : I get ("Love", 1) as req.body, my O/P should be :
"_id": {
"$oid": "63e9e567a71412b168b38172"
"Love": [
"key": 2,
"title": "Love",
"content": "How to keep a programmer in the shower forever.Show him the shampoo bottle instructions: Lather. Rinse. Repeat."
"Happy": [
"key": 1,
"title": "HAPPY",
"content": "Q. Why did the programmer quit his job? A. Because he didn't get arrays."
"key": 2,
"title": "HAPPY",
"content": "What's the difference between hardware and software? You can hit your hardware with a hammer, but you can only curse at your software."
"Dull": [
"key": 1,
"title": "DULL",
"content": "Job trails from HCL"
"key": 2,
"title": "DULL",
"content": "Job trails from NOWhere"
"Angry": [
"key": 1,
"title": "ANGRY",
"content": "Q. How many programmers doesit take to change a light bulb? A. None – It’s a hardware problem"
"key": 2,
"title": "ANGRY",
"content": "Job trails from NOWhere"
Thanks in advance.
Any mongoDb function I tried, I am getting errors. I am not able to delete it no matter what.
I feel a bit bad helping you delete jokes from your database. I hope you have no problem inserting more jokes.
Anyway, to delete your specific array element, you could update
your collection like this.
"_id": ObjectId("63e9e567a71412b168b38172")
"$pull": {
"Love": {
"key": 1
Try it on