I try to find out "if there is any entity with the given properties".
Given is the following sample entity:
public class Foo {
private Long someId;
private String propA;
private String propB;
private String propC;
I try to find an entity with a given propA. Or propB. Or C. Or a combination of them. I know, I can do this with a JpaRepository, but I will get an exploding number of functions to write:
public interface FooRepository extends CrudRepository<Foo, Long> {
boolean existsByPropA(String propA);
boolean existsByPropB(String propB);
boolean existsByPropC(String propC);
boolean existsByPropAAndAndPropB(String propA, String propB);
boolean existsByPropAAndPropC(String propA, String propC);
// and much more to be written to get all combinations
Writing all possible combination is nonsense especially if new properties are to be added.
I am looking for a generic solution to this problem, or at least a keyword to search for as I am not yet very firm with JPA/Hibernate.
Thank you.
As a simple way, you can just use a query like this :
@Query("SELECT t FROM Task as t WHERE EXISTS (SELECT t.title FROM t WHERE t.title=:a or t.title=:b or t.title=:c or(t.title=:a and t.title=:b))")
Boolean check(String a,String b,String c);
but I think the best way is to use specifications