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the "|=" operator in c++

I have a question about "|=" in c++, how this operator works, for example:

bool result;

result |= callFunctionOne(sig);
result |= callFunctionTwo(sig);
result |= callFunctionThree(sig);
result |= callFunctionFour(sig);

and the function called above, will reutrn "true" if the paramater sig is processed in the function, otherwish, return "false";

the sig can be processed only in one function each time, how the "|=" works?


  • | is bitwise OR.

    |= says take what is returned in one of your function and bitwise OR it with the result, then store it into result. It is the equivalent of doing something like:

    result = result | callFunctionOne(sig);

    Taking your code example:

    bool result;
    result |= callFunctionOne(sig);
    result |= callFunctionTwo(sig);
    result |= callFunctionThree(sig);
    result |= callFunctionFour(sig);

    and your logic of

    will reutrn "true" if the paramater sig is processed in the function, otherwish, return "false";

    So that means that if you don't define result, it will be by default FALSE.

    result = false;

    callFunctionOne returns TRUE

    result = result | callFunctionOne;

    result equals TRUE.

    result = false;

    callFunctionOne returns FALSE

    result = result | callFunctionOne

    result equals FALSE.

    While it may seem that this is a boolean OR, it still is using the bitwise OR which is essentially OR'ing the number 1 or 0.

    So given that 1 is equal to TRUE and 0 is equal to FALSE, remember your truth tables:

    p   q   p ∨ q
    T   T   T
    T   F   T
    F   T   T
    F   F   F

    Now, since you call each function after another, that means the result of a previous function will ultimately determine the final result from callFunctionFour. In that, three-quarters of the time, it will be TRUE and one-quarter of the time, it will be FALSE.