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Storing an object with key value pairs in a variable in JSONiq

This is a sample JSON array

         "dcode": "CS",
         "cno": 211,
         "ssn": 82,
         "grade": "A"
         "dcode": "CS",
         "cno": 211,
         "ssn": 75,
         "grade": "A"
         "dcode": "MTH",
         "cno": 125,
         "ssn": 82,
         "grade": "F"

I need to create a variable $courses which gives me all the courses taken by a student whose ssn is 82. How do I loop over this and create this variable?

I want the output to be $courses:= {"CS" : 211, "MTH" : 125}

I tried to write the loop in {} brackets but it did not work. I am new to Jsoniq


  • First a quick comment: you need curly braces to make sure this is well-formed (JSON and JSONiq):

      "transcript": [
          "dcode": "CS",
          "cno": 211,
          "ssn": 82,
          "grade": "A"
          "dcode": "CS",
          "cno": 211,
          "ssn": 75,
          "grade": "A"
          "dcode": "MTH",
          "cno": 125,
          "ssn": 82,
          "grade": "F"

    Assuming this object is stored in a variable $x, you can obtain the desired object with

    $x.transcript[][$$.ssn eq 82]

    where [] unboxes the array into a sequence of objects, and [$$.ssn eq 82] filters this sequence keeping only those where ssn is 82.

    So a complete query would be:

    let $x := {
          "dcode": "CS",
          "cno": 211,
          "ssn": 82,
          "grade": "A"
          "dcode": "CS",
          "cno": 211,
          "ssn": 75,
          "grade": "A"
          "dcode": "MTH",
          "cno": 125,
          "ssn": 82,
          "grade": "F"
    return $x.transcript[][$$.ssn eq 82]

    There is also the alternative with an explicit FLWOR for clause and where clause (which are extensible at will with more complex use cases):

      let $x := {
            "dcode": "CS",
            "cno": 211,
            "ssn": 82,
            "grade": "A"
            "dcode": "CS",
            "cno": 211,
            "ssn": 75,
            "grade": "A"
            "dcode": "MTH",
            "cno": 125,
            "ssn": 82,
            "grade": "F"
      for $course in $x.transcript[]
      where $course.ssn eq 82
      return $course

    Now, we can bind these results to a variable $courses with a let clause -- it is important to understand that this is a functional language, that is, these are bindings and not assignments. In this simple case, the return clause returns the contents of $courses, but it is also possible to do anything else you want with this variable instead.

    let $courses :=
      let $x := {
            "dcode": "CS",
            "cno": 211,
            "ssn": 82,
            "grade": "A"
            "dcode": "CS",
            "cno": 211,
            "ssn": 75,
            "grade": "A"
            "dcode": "MTH",
            "cno": 125,
            "ssn": 82,
            "grade": "F"
      for $course in $x.transcript[]
      where $course.ssn eq 82
      return $course
    return $courses