I want to call an inner function of a component if I click a button. There are many suggestions using shared data, but it should work separately for different components. Here's an example:
// Page.vue
<MyComponent my-prop="abc"/>
<button @click="???">ButtonX</button>
<MyComponent my-prop="123"/>
<button @click="???">ButtonY</button>
// ...
// MyComponent.vue:
function foo() {
//Do something inside this component
// ...
My goal is that if I press ButtonX then foo()
function called for <MyComponent my-prop="abc"/>
but if I press ButtonY the same inner foo()
function runs for <MyComponent my-prop="123"/>
How could I achieve that? (The components could be far from each other in the component tree.)
I prefer solution using only Vue 3 and Pinia.
You can use ref
<MyComponent myProp="abc" ref="a" />
<button @click="handle('a')">ButtonX</button>
<MyComponent myProp="123" ref="b" />
<button @click="handle('b')">ButtonY</button>
import { ref } from "vue";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.vue";
export default {
components: {
setup() {
const a = ref(null);
const b = ref(null);
const handle = (refName) => {
const ref = refName === "a" ? a : b;
return {