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How to handle the situation of multiple json parsed for the same route?

I have a requirement that I need to handle a request with multiple ways in a same HTTP route, according to the JSON in the body.

There is a total different JSON object in route root("/")


  • url_verification
  "challenge": "b397743d-51c9-40c2-a529-098fd2ff7b4a",
  "token": "1p37CgbHAxiVCmzPhY8epfT2rV7YBSQi",
  "type": "url_verification"
  • receive message
    "schema": "2.0",
    "header": { 
        "event_id": "f7984f25108f8137722bb63cee927e66",
        "token": "066zT6pS4QCbgj5Do145GfDbbagCHGgF",
        "create_time": "1603977298000000",
        "event_type": "contact.user_group.created_v3",
        "tenant_key": "xxxxxxx",
        "app_id": "cli_xxxxxxxx",

Here is my Rust code:

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct UrlVerification {
    challenge: String,
    token: String,
    r#type: String,

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct UrlVerificationResp {
    challenge: String,

async fn main() {

    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", post(url_verification));
        // .route("/", post(msg_recv));  // Overlapping method route

    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127,0,0,1], 3000));

// can not receive a parsed json as a params
async fn url_verification(Json(verified): Json<UrlVerification>) -> impl IntoResponse {
    (StatusCode::OK, Json(UrlVerificationResp {
        challenge: verified.challenge

So in Axum, how to solve this kind of problem elegantly?


  • serde can have "untagged enums", where it will try to deserialize into the first variant it can. You can use this to represent data types that may be one of a number of formats.

    enum RootRequest {

    With this, you can have a single route that deserializes the body to this untagged enum type, and delegates to different implementations based on what the actual received request is:

    async fn main() {
        // ...
        let app = Router::new()
            .route("/", post(root_route));
        // ...
    async fn root_route(Json(body): Json<RootRequest>) -> Response {
        match body {
            RootRequest::UrlVerification(verified) => {
            RootRequest::ReceiveMessage(msg) => {
    async fn url_verification(verified: UrlVerification) -> impl IntoResponse {
        // ...
    async fn recv_msg(msg: ReceiveMessage) -> impl IntoResponse {
        // ...