The importent part of our DbVersion model looks like this:
public class DatabaseVersion
public int Major { get; set; }
public int Minor { get; set; }
public Version Version => new Version(Major, MinorVersion);
The Version
property is not mapped to a database column but rather computed by the C# application. So a query to get the max version of the database looks like this:
context.DatabaseVersions.ToList().Max(x => x.Version)
which is bad. It downloads all versions into memory and the looks for the latest version. I would like to improve this query but i am not able to write a linq query that gets the highest MajorVersion and for that the highest minor version.
How can that be done?
Correct order may help:
var letest = context.DatabaseVersions
.OrderByDescending(v => v.Major)
.ThenByDescensing(v => v.MinorVersion)
.Select(v => new Version(v.Major, v.MinorVersion))