I have a JSON file that I parsed using Gson and I want to retrieve a variable named "ModelUrl" inside of it. As it seems, the data is a subdata of another node or data whatever you call and because of it I can not get the values that I want from the variable. I tried using such a function like: System.out.println(jsonObject.get("ModelUrl")), but it only returns null. How can I iterate in all the variables inside and get the variable that I specifically want?
Data is kinda big to put here, but I am gonna put a example to show what I mean by saying "subdata".
Here is the data if you want to look.
//Something like this.
And here is the basic script that I wrote for retrieving data.
JsonElement jsonElement = JsonParser.parseString(data);
JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
Not sure about your JSON data, but based on the problem which you stated giving a general solution:
//Assuming JSON data is stored in a String with the name jsonData
//Parse JSON
JsonObject jsonObject = new Gson().fromJson(jsonData, JsonObject.class);
//Assuming it's inside MenuItemList
JsonArray menuItemList = jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("Menu").getAsJsonArray("MenuItemList");
// Iterate array
for (JsonElement element : menuItemList) {
JsonObject menuItem = element.getAsJsonObject();
String modelUrl = menuItem.get("ModelUrl").getAsString();
It's not a solution to your problem, but it may help you to understand.