My task is to implement styled with classNames (not inline/attributes) star rating using react-star-ratings. Trying to change properties of nested elements of this component (finding names of classes using DOM), but there is no solution...
So, there is no result. As u can see on DOM picture - class Rating is added, but there is no changes with nested elements.
As you've noticed, The react-star-rating
library does not seem to support styling via the className
attribute - in fact, it is not part of the Props for the StarRating
However, your approach of wrapping it in another container and crafting selectors to target the inner elements should work - to some degree
- but then there seems to be no way of differentiating between filled or empty stars...
If you must use react-star-rating
(there are other alternatives - or you could build your own), a better approach could be to use CSS custom properties:
<div className="my-custom-rating">
.my-custom-rating {
--star-rated-color: rebeccaPurple;
--star-empty-color: whitesmoke;