I've read similar questions and relative answers but didn't find one whose fit.
In the given sample:
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
@Constraint(validatedBy = DescriptionValidationImpl.class)
public @interface DescriptionValidation {
public String message() default "default";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
How can i read a value from the .properties
file and assign it to the message,
knowing that @Value
isn't a compile-time constant?
Heard someone doing with the ExceptionHandlrController, is it possible? How?
And if i were in need of different messages for the same catched exc?
I've tried the following too even if it didn't make no sense for me:
@PropertySource(value = "classpath:message.properties")
public class DescriptionProcessing {
private String descriptionErrorMsg;
public void processAnnotation(DescriptionValidation annotation) {
String defaultDescriptionErrorMsg = annotation.message();
if (defaultDescriptionErrorMsg.equals("default"))
defaultDescriptionErrorMsg = descriptionErrorMsg;
But kept printing the default one.
Solved! Using a bean in a config file and calling it back from the excHandlr.
In the @Annotation
were in need of the placeholder of @Value
public String message() default "description";
in the given example but'll probably be something like "error.description"
or whatever