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Looping through nested array in javascript

I have a complex array which i need to loop through -

  const arr =   [
    "name": "CLASS",
    "cover": [
        "name": "benefits",
        "interest": [
            "name": "one",
            "limits": [
                "defaultValue": 200
              "name": "two",
              "limits": [
                  "defaultValue": 300
            "limits": [
                "defaultValue": "Y"
    "name": "Mass",
    "cover": [
        "name": "benefits",
        "interest": [
            "name": "one",
            "limits": [
                "defaultValue": 300
              "name": "two",
              "limits": [
                  "defaultValue": 500
            "limits": [
                "defaultValue": "Y"
with the above array. I need to form a new array like below

  const output =   [
    "name": "benefits",
    "interest": [
        "name": "one",
        "classLimits": 200,
        "massLimits": 300
        "name": "two",
        "classLimits": 300,
        "massLimits": 500
    "classLimit": "Y",
    "massLimit": "Y"

I tried few methods to best of my ability but not able to get the desired output.

Any helps on this?

Thanks for your time


  • You can use array#reduce and create an object accumulator based on name and group the same interest and limit and then extract all values using Object.values().

    const arr = [ { "name": "CLASS", "cover": [ { "name": "benefits", "interest": [ { "name": "one", "limits": [ { "defaultValue": 200 } ] }, { "name": "two", "limits": [ { "defaultValue": 300 } ] }], "limits": [ { "defaultValue": "Y" } ] } ] }, { "name": "Mass", "cover": [ { "name": "benefits", "interest": [ { "name": "one", "limits": [ { "defaultValue": 300 } ] }, { "name": "two", "limits": [ { "defaultValue": 500 } ] }], "limits": [ { "defaultValue": "Y" } ] } ] } ],
        result = arr.reduce((r, o) => {
          const prefix =;
          o.cover.forEach(({name, interest, limits}) => {
            r[name] = r[name] || {name, interest: {}};
            interest.forEach(int => {
              r[name].interest[] = r[name].interest[] || { name:};
              r[name].interest[][`${prefix}Limits`] = int.limits[0].defaultValue;
            r[name][`${prefix}Limit`] = r[name][`${prefix}Limit`] || limits[0].defaultValue;
          return r;
        output = Object.values(result).map(val => ({...val, interest: Object.values(val.interest)}));