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Javascript: http request, how to iterate JSON object response

I am querying a graphQL endpoint through http request and I am getting a successful response with the data that I need to collect, however, I can't seem to navigate through the data to pull the fields I require.

 const query = JSON.stringify({query:
               '{' +
               '   all_insight_article('+
               '     locale: "en-gb"'+
               '     where: {business_unit: {business_unit: {title: "Some Brand"}, MATCH: ALL}, audience: {MATCH: ALL, audiences: {title: "Management"}}publish_date_gt: "2023-02-01"}'+
               '   ) {items {'+
               '     audienceConnection {'+
               '         edges {'+
               '           node {... on Audiences {title system {uid}}}}}'+
               '       system {'+
               '         uid'+
               '         publish_details {time}'+
               '         updated_at}'+
               '         absolute_url'+
               '         title'+
               '         subtitle'+
               '         main_image'+
               '         topicsConnection {'+
               '         edges {'+
               '           node {'+
               '             ... on Topics {'+
               '               title'+
               '               display_name'+
               '               system {uid}}}}}}total}}'

var req = new HttpClientRequest("")
req.header["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
req.method = "POST"
req.body = query
var response = req.response;
var posts = JSON.parse(response.body);
var articleList_json = [];

var i
for ( i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
    "title": posts[i].title,


The error I get is posts is undefined.

Note: HttpClientRequest is a class for my application, but is pretty much a standard http request

2nd update

I tried the following but still does not work

var response = req.response;  
var posts = JSON.stringify(response.body);
var articleList_json = [];

var i
for ( i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
  var graphQLJSON = JSON.parse(posts[i]);



  • JSON.parse() takes a string in json structure and parses it:

    The JSON.parse() static method parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string. An optional reviver function can be provided to perform a transformation on the resulting object before it is returned.

    JSON string example:

    const json = '{"result":true, "count":42}';
    const obj = JSON.parse(json);

    HttpClientRequest returns a HttpClientResponse object which you must first convert to a string before parsing it (on the condition that the returned string is in valid json structure):

    var content = response.body.toString(response.codePage);
    var posts = JSON.parse(content);

    Full documentation example:

    var http = new HttpClientRequest("")
    var response = http.response
    if( response.code != 200 )
      throw "HTTP request failed with " + response.message
    var content = response.body.toString(response.codePage)