This is the first bit of scripting I have done. I am trying to get an applescript to copy the body of an email and send it as an imessage. I have this script set to fire with a rule in the mail app
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages matchmsgs for rule Alertrule
tell application "Mail"
set msg to item 1 of matchmsgs
set msgcontent to (content of msg) as Unicode text
end tell
set the clipboard to msgcontent
end perform mail action with messages
tell application "Messages"
set targetBuddy to "+12223334444"
set targetService to (id of 1st account whose service type = iMessage)
set textMessage to "ALERT: " & (the clipboard)
set theBuddy to participant targetBuddy of account id targetService
send textMessage to theBuddy
end tell
end using terms from
the problem I am running into is that it doesn't seem to fire on the receive of an email that fits the rule. When I right click on the email and select "apply rule" I can see the gear spinning on the top bar indicating that the script is running but it doesn't send the imessage. If I then go to script editor and play the applescript it sends an imessage with the body of the email I ran the rule on.
So it seems like it works just not with the automation from mail rules. anyone know where I am going wrong?
At least the Messages
part must be inside the perform mail action
And the clipboard detour is not needed
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages matchmsgs for rule Alertrule
set msg to item 1 of matchmsgs
set msgcontent to (content of msg) as Unicode text
tell application "Messages"
set targetBuddy to "+12223334444"
set targetService to (id of 1st account whose service type = iMessage)
set textMessage to "ALERT: " & msgcontent
set theBuddy to participant targetBuddy of account id targetService
send textMessage to theBuddy
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from