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How to access HttpContext from IRequestHandler using Mediator - Minimal API (C#)

Is there a way to access HttpContext from a request handler? I added a filter to my (minimal API) endpoint to validate the API key, coming from the request headers. Upon successful validation I need the value to Generate JWT for subsequent requests.

Is there a workaround to this? Need a code sample.


  • Using Carter, it would be something like this (but it is just matter of using equivalent for non-Carter implementation):

    public interface ITokenGrabber
        void SetToken(string token);
        string GetToken();
    public class TokenGrabber : ITokenGrabber
        private string _token;
        public string GetToken() => _token;
        public void SetToken(string token) => _token = token;
    public class SampleFilter : IEndpointFilter
        public ValueTask<object> InvokeAsync(EndpointFilterInvocationContext context, EndpointFilterDelegate next)
            var grabber = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<ITokenGrabber>();
            string token = context.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
            return next(context);
        public class SomeHandler
            : IRequestHandler<SomeRequest>
            private readonly ITokenGrabber _grabber;
            public GetAllExercisesQueryHandle(ITokenGrabber grabber)
                _grabber = grabber;
            public Task Handle(SomeRequestrequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return ...

    Make sure ITokenGrabber is properly configured with scoped lifetime:

    builder.Services.AddScoped<ITokenGrabber, TokenGrabber>();