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Can I set the value of a boolean parameter inside Jenkins pipeline

I have a Jenkins pipeline that takes a boolean parameter as input. However, I need to be able to set the value of this parameter programmatically inside the pipeline based on some conditions. Here is the snippet of my pipeline:

pipeline {
  agent any
  parameters {
      defaultValue: true,
      description: 'This is a boolean parameter',
      name: 'MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM'
  stages {
    stage('Example') {
      steps {
        script {
          // some condition
          def myBooleanValue = true
          // I need to set the value of MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM based on myBooleanValue

I've tried using the setBuildParameters method like this:

setBuildParameters([[$class: 'BooleanParameterValue', name: 'MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM', value: true]])

But this throws an error that says: "No such DSL method 'setBuildParameters' found among steps". I've also tried setting the value of MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM using the params object like this:

params.MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM = true

But this doesn't seem to work either. Is it possible to set the value of the MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM parameter inside the pipeline based on the myBooleanValue variable? If so, can someone please provide an example of how I can do this?


  • afaik it is not allowed to change params from pipeline script, however you may modify env as a workaround:

    pipeline {
        parameters {
              defaultValue: true,
              description: 'This is a boolean parameter',
              name: 'MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM'
        agent any
        stages {
            stage('before') {
                steps {
                    echo "before env   : ${env.MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM}"
            stage('reset') {
                steps {
                        env.MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM = false
            stage('after') {
                steps {
                    echo "after env   : ${env.MY_BOOLEAN_PARAM}"


    before env   : true
    after env   : false