How can I synchronize the regexp test validation with rendering, because it seems like for example if the validation regexp allows 5 characters, it will turn true when I have already 6 characters in the input field. It seems to me like it has something to do with rendering states.
username state:
const [username, setUsername] = useState({
name: "",
isValid: false,
handle username function:
function handleUsername(e) {
const regexp = new RegExp(/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]{5,32}/gi);
const isValid = regexp.test(;
setUsername(() => {
return {
name: e,
isValid: isValid ? true : false,
console.log("isValid - ",
" - ",; // => isValid - false | - 5
run console.log outside the function:
" - ",; // => - 6
I tried to figure out why this actually happen but it ends up with more confusions.
setState acts async, so you are console.logging the stale state.
function handleUsername(e) {
const regexp = new RegExp(/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-_]{5,32}/gi);
const isValid = regexp.test(;
setUsername(() => {
return {
name: e,
isValid: true,
console.log("isValid - ",
"e.length - ",
e.length); // => isValid - false | e.length - 6
Either use the variable that defines the new state, or console.log it in the useEffect with username dependency
useEffect(() => {
}, [username])