I have 2 files. On the first file I have a table with ID column and other columns as well. in the "Messi" column I want to INDEX MATCH to get the value "5" for when ID = "AAA". notice that the second file is not a table and also that the columns in the second file are not in the same order as the first file.
any help please?
Second File:
In cell B5 of your First File:
=INDEX('[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$C:$C, MATCH($A5, '[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$A:$A,0))
syntax for column lookup:
=INDEX([Result Column], MATCH([Lookup Cell], [Lookup Column], [Match Type]))
Using that I'm sure you'll be able to figure out which columns and cells you'll need to change to get the results for the other cells :)
EDIT: If you want to have the look up of the column headers then I suggest the below formula as it doesn't rely on INDIRECT
which would only work when the second workbook is open:
=INDEX('[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$A:$D, MATCH($A5, '[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$A:$A,0), MATCH(B$4, '[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$4:$4,0))
What's different:
function covers the entire table '[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$A:$D
function to look up the column header. MATCH(B$4, '[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$4:$4,0)
looks up the column header'[Second File.xlsx]Second File'!$4:$4
is where it looks at