I'm still new to NGRX. I have finally got records into store as can be seen from my screenshot below using the Redux Devtools.
I now want to obtain the basket records to allow me to remove an item from the basket.
I have declared a variable to pull the basket data into:
basketPhoto$: Observable<Photo>[] = [];
then I have a click event that passes the photo details that I want to remove, lets say I've passed the photo with an id 0f 3 in. I know I need to obtain the index '1' in this case before splicing it from the basket. So I first need to obtain the index value of me record.
I thought I could do something like:
RemoveFromBasket(photo: Photo) {
this.basketPhoto$ = this.basketStore.pipe(select(basket => basket.basket));
as my starter to get all the records from the basket, so that I can find the position of my record, but I get a red line under basketPhoto$. basketStore is defined in my constructor.
constructor(private store: Store, private basketStore: Store<{ basket: Photo[] }>) { }
******** Update ********
following on from @wlf answer I have created an Action:
export const getBasket = createAction('[Basket Component] getBasket', props<{ id: number}>());
extended my reducer:
export const initialBasketState: Array<Photo> = [];
export const basketReducer = createReducer(
on(basketDetail, (state, { basket }) => { return [...state, basket] } ),
on(getBasket, (state, { id }) => ({ ...state, basket: state.splice(state.findIndex(m => m.id === id) )}) ), );
and I now call the action:
this.basketStore.dispatch(getBasket({ id: photo.id}));
Now when make the call, I receive an error
cannot delete property '1' of [object array]
This removal logic belongs in your reducer rather than your component.
const removePhotoClicked = createAction('remove photo clicked', props<{id: number}>());
export const designerReducer = createReducer(
on(removePhotoClicked , (state, { id }) => ({
basket: /* remove the basket with given id */
Thus there is no need to 'obtain the basket records to allow me to remove an item from the basket`. But if you do for some other reason, use a selector.