I need to disable google-pay-button in angular. Following is the stackblitz link
I have tried [disabled], [attr.disabled]. But nothing seems to work. I have to disable this google pay button on some conditions. Helps are highly appreciated.
We can extend the functionality of the Google Pay Button component using a directive. In this case we can have a disabled directive that can accept a component property if it needs to be disabled.
Create a gpayDisabled directive:
import { Directive, ElementRef, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { interval } from 'rxjs';
selector: '[gpayDisabled]',
export class GpayDisabledDirective {
@Input() gpayDisabled = false;
constructor(el: ElementRef) {
const btnTimer = interval(200).subscribe(() => {
let gPayButton = el.nativeElement.querySelector(
if (gPayButton) {
gPayButton.disabled = this.gpayDisabled;
if (this.gpayDisabled) {
gPayButton.style.opacity = 0.5;
Declare this in declaration array of the module, for example:
declarations: [AppComponent, GpayDisabledDirective]
Then in the template, we can use this directive like this:
[buttonSizeMode]="isCustomSize ? 'fill' : 'static'"
where isGpayDisabled
is a component property, either true or false.
Stackblitz demo.