I have a code in which I am looping through a range of cells and comparing it to an input box entry. If the cell does not match the entry the code does nothing, if the code does match the entry it clears the contents of the cell. Most of the code has worked fine. The loop variable is correctly showing the value of each cell that it should loop through when monitoring it in breakout mode, and it is successfully comparing it to the input text.
UPC = InputBox("UPC #?")
For Each b In SRange
If CStr(b) = CStr(UPC) Then
End If
The issue that I am running into is that as soon as it finds a match and moves on to the line where it is supposed to do something ( b.ClearContents) It throws a Run-Time Error 424 Object Required fault.
I have tried using several different operations such as b.Address and b.Value, but they all give the same fault. Strangely enough, if I MsgBox(b) it works just fine and shows me the value of the cell.
This code tested working:
Sub so75513894ObjectError()
Dim SRange As Object
Dim UPC As String
'Dim aRange
Dim b
Set SRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B5")
'aRange = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B5").Value
UPC = InputBox("UPC #?")
For Each b In SRange
If CStr(b) = CStr(UPC) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub