How can I type keyof instance in Javascript (JSDOC) similarily to Typescript?
TS is just fine:
const a1 = new Car('Audi A1', 4,;
const a380 = new Plane('Airbus A380', 800, 4);
function showProperty<T>(thing: T, prop: keyof T) {
console.log(`${String(prop)}:`, thing[prop]);
showProperty(a1, 'power');
showProperty(a380, 'engines');
link to full TS code
but I don't know how to do it with jsdoc:
const a1 = new Car('Audi A1', 4, 'petrol');
const a380 = new Plane('Airbus A380', 800, 4);
* @param {Thing} thing
* @param {keyof Thing} prop
function showProperty(thing, prop) {
console.log(`${String(prop)}:`, thing[prop]);
showProperty(a1, 'capacity'); // I want to see the "power" property here...!
showProperty(a380, 'capacity'); // I want to see the "engines" property here...!
link to full JS code
With JSDoc annotations in TypeScript, you can use the @template
tag to declare a type parameter for the function. This is similar to the TypeScript syntax of using angle brackets (<T>) to define a type parameter.
* @template T
* @param {T} thing
* @param {keyof T} prop
function showProperty(thing, prop) {
console.log(`${String(prop)}:`, thing[prop]);
VSCode and other code editors should now be able to see all the properties
Link to modified JS code