i'm creating a js only log in form and i want the browser to hold a variable value in its session data. it seems to work but then i cannot clear it when clicking logout button,
here is my code:
var isAuthorised = window.sessionStorage.key("authorised");
var available_user_name = Array("user1", "user2", "user3"),
available_user_pass = Array("1001", "2002", "3003"),
UAP = $("#userNameAndPassword");
for (var i = 0; i < available_user_name.length; i++) {
var user_names = available_user_name[i];
var user_passws = available_user_pass[i];
$("#available_accounts").append("<div><div>" + user_names + "</div><div>" +
user_passws + "</div></div>");
$("#btn").click(function () {
var user_name = document.getElementById("email").value;
user_pass = document.getElementById("pwd1").value;
btn = $("#btn"),
result = $("#result");
if ($.inArray(user_name, available_user_name) >= 0) {
if (available_user_name.indexOf(user_name) ==
available_user_pass.indexOf(user_pass)) {
result.html("Welcome back : " + user_name);
"color": "SeaGreen"
window.sessionStorage.setItem('authorised', 'true');
} else {
result.html("You've selected wrong password for username, please try again");
"color": "crimson"
} else {
result.html("This name doesn't registred with us");
"color": "crimson"
setInterval(function check() {
if (isAuthorised = true) {
// console.log("authorised")
} else {
// alert('Login details incorrect');
// console.log("not authorised")
, 200);
$(".logout").click(function (e) {
sessionStorage.setItem('authorised', 'false');
the var is "isAuthorised" and is getting the value i set as a key about line 19 "window.sessionStorage.setItem("authorised", "true");"
id rather it just be "var authorised = false" and then later call "sessionStorage[authorised] = true;" this to me is cleaner, but i can't figure how to clear this on clicking logout either. any help would be greatly appreciated
Here you have a useless set.
$(".logout").click(function (e) {
sessionStorage.setItem('authorised', 'false'); // <==== this is useless
Then you never checked the new value, change this function
//var isAuthorised = window.sessionStorage.key("authorised"); <=== remove this line, this is a constant
setInterval(function check() {
if ( window.sessionStorage.getItem("authorised") ) { //You must check, not use a constant variable
// console.log("authorised")
} else {
// alert('Login details incorrect');
// console.log("not authorised")
, 200);