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JavaFX with Maven fails to import module from the same project

I have the following folder structure in a Java project:

main-module (Java module)
   sub-module-to-import (Java module)
   sub-module (Java module)
      fx-sub-module (JavaFX module)
         - pom.xml and classes.

Whenever I import sub-module-to-import into fx-sub-module from maven, I can access after importing it in fx-sub-module's classes (instantiate the class, access its methods etc. in the IDE), but whenever I try to compile the module using mvn clean compile, I get a compilation error of type "cannot find symbol", where the symbol is a method of ImportedClass. Whenever I reload the maven project after adding the module as a dependency, everything is okay, with no XML errors or warnings, I can even ctrl + left click on sub-module-to-import's name and get sent to its pom.xml without issues. The project is a modular one, but I have removed the module-info file in order to not have to use modularity. I am using IntelliJ IDEA.

Here is the pom.xml file:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

After reading a lot about it on the internet and not managing to find a solution, I tried simple things like adding sub-module-to-import to the parent pom.xml of fx-sub-module (which is the pom.xml file of sub-module), but that didn't change anything. I also tried changing plugin/dependency versions, but this also did not help. I would really appreciate any help and will be quick to answer for further clarification on the question. Thanks in advance.


  • Ensure:

    1. mvn install has been run on the sub-module-to-import maven module.
    2. The Idea project has been synchronized with the maven project after that.