Search code examples

How to hide the Property name

It's a lot that I used MVC but I need to create a widget using Abp.IO, What I currently got is

enter image description here

But I want to hide this SenzaAgente and ConAgente, I think this is generated since I use abp-input and it get the value of the property, does exist a way of hiding it and gaining the space (The SENZA Agente on the left should be on the same line of the number)

The code I used is

<abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
            <td>% RINCARO</td>
            <td>SENZA Agente</td>
            <td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="@Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
            <td>CON Agente</td>
            <td><abp-input readonly="true" asp-for="@Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>


  • You can use suppress-label="true" attribute

    <abp-table hoverable-rows="true" responsive-sm="true">
                <td>% RINCARO</td>
                <td>SENZA Agente</td>
                <td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="@Model.Rincaro.SenzaAgente"></abp-input></td>
                <td>CON Agente</td>
                <td><abp-input suppress-label="true" readonly="true" asp-for="@Model.Rincaro.ConAgente"></abp-input></td>