I want to encrypt a string and the decrypt it, for encryption i did
enc_str = Plug.Crypto.encrypt("my_secret", "raw_string", {})
And for decrypt y tried this two
Plug.Crypto.decrypt("my_secret", enc_str)
Plug.Crypto.decrypt("my_secret", enc_str, {})
which returns the following errors
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Plug.Crypto.decrypt/2
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Plug.Crypto.decrypt/5
How can enc_str be decrypted properly? I Only found 2 references to this methods, but i really dont understand them https://hexdocs.pm/plug_crypto/Plug.Crypto.html#decrypt/4 https://shyr.io/blog/elixir-encrypt-data-plug-crypto
The arguments to encrypt/4
(which if you are using Phoenix, is set based on your config)"raw_string"
Example, from inside a plug:
encrypted =
Plug.Crypto.encrypt(conn.secret_key_base, "mmm salty", %{hello: "world!"})
|> IO.inspect(label: "encrypted")
decrypted =
Plug.Crypto.decrypt(conn.secret_key_base, "mmm salty", encrypted)
|> IO.inspect(label: "decrypted")
encrypted: "QTEyOEdDTQ.R83_rKqB0vyw2KJmGZmjhEuRqc-En71p--VGDaRhpzOEXHIxeg_TOE4YCvQ.bsuQLhrrKzE0LOFo.qooCxTQrJQ7S8lTRhngprcEgAODvw_IsIgGofAEC1_F3NyIcaocQVns.KqKtO6hVMPk0dxOXjX-67A"
decrypted: {:ok, %{hello: "world!"}}
Or since you are using Phoenix, you can use Phoenix.Token.encrypt/4
with a conn:
Phoenix.Token.encrypt(conn, "mmm salty", %{hello: "world!"})
Or an endpoint:
Phoenix.Token.encrypt(YourAppWeb.Endpoint, "mmm salty", %{hello: "world!"})