I'm building a CMS using next.js and one of the features is media management using Cloudinary. I've managed to include the Cloudinary Media Library widget with the use of next/script and it works perfectly in development but encountered an error and is refusing to build. I am using Next.JS with TypeScript
My Script component from next/script
onReady={function () {
widgetRef.current = cloudinary.createMediaLibrary(
cloud_name: "<cloud name here>",
api_key: "<api key here>",
multiple: false,
insertHandler: (data) => {
const selectedImage = { ...data.assets[0] };
form.setFieldValue("image", selectedImage.url);
and later the widget is called by user interaction with a button
onClick={() => widgetRef.current.show()}
leftIcon={<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faImage} />}
Select/Upload Image
in dev, the widget opens with no issues
Cloudinary Media Library Widget Screenshot
as I'm building for deployment here's the error
Type error: Cannot find name 'cloudinary'.
207 | src="https://media-library.cloudinary.com/global/all.js"
208 | onReady={function () {
> 209 | widgetRef.current = cloudinary.createMediaLibrary(
| ^
210 | {
211 | cloud_name: "<cloud name here>",
212 | api_key: "<api key here>",
error Command failed with exit code 1.
I'm not sure where to even begin debugging this. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Try adding an initialization to Cloudinary:
var cld = cloudinary.Cloudinary.new({ cloud_name: 'my_cloud' });
widgetRef.current = cld.createMediaLibrary(
cloud_name: "<cloud name here>",
api_key: "<api key here>",