I am currently working on Razor Page (.NET Core 6). The problem I encountered is that form ("form_Download", in this case) is not submitting. The strange thing is that I also have similar code in other pages and it works properly. I wonder why the form is not submitted. Here are my codes:
@page "{order_id}"
@model MyNameSpace.Pages.OrderSheet.Approve.GeneralModel
<form id="form_update" method="post" /> @*used for other post methods*@
<form id="form_Download" method="post" asp-page-handler="DownloadAttachment">
<input id="hdn_AttachId" name="attach_id" type="hidden" />
@section Scripts {
<script src="~/lib/DevExtreme/dx.all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const formUpdate = document.querySelector("#form_update");
$(() => {
dataSource: attachmentStore,
columns: [{
caption: 'No',
dataField: 'attach_id',
}, {
caption: 'Type',
dataField: 'type',
}, {
caption: 'Name',
dataField: 'file_name',
cellTemplate(cell, info) {
const { data: { attach_id, file_name, file_extension } } = info.row;
.html(`<a href="#" class="dx-link dx-link-edit" onclick="DownloadAttachment(${attach_id})">${file_name}${file_extension}</a>`)
}, {
caption: 'Remark',
dataField: 'remark',
remoteOperations: false,
showBorders: true,
function DownloadAttachment(attach_id) {
public class GeneralModel : PageModel
public IActionResult OnPostDownloadAttachment(int order_id, int attach_id)
(byte[] bytes, string contentType, string filename) = _attachmentManager.DownloadFile(order_id, attach_id)!;
return File(bytes, contentType, filename);
OK. I just found a mistake on my code. It seems that form doesn't allow closing tag with />
(which I did on form_update). So after I changed to use </form>
instead, now it works properly.
<form id="form_update" method="post"></form>