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Importing Angular ECharts Into a Stackblitz 15.1 project?

Stackblitz is now using a standalone configuration for Angular Projects and when I attempt to initialize the module for Angular ECharts (ngx-echarts) it produces the following error:

Error in src/main.ts (18:5)
Type 'ModuleWithProviders<NgxEchartsModule>' is not assignable to type 'readonly any[] | Type<any>'.

This is how the ngx-echarts module is initialized:

  imports: [
      echarts: () => import('echarts'),

In the previous non standalone versions of Angular on Stackblitz this worked fine.

How do we call forRoot on modules in Stackblitz Angular 15.1 projects?

Here's a Stackblitz Demo


  • The documentation indicates an InjectionToken should be provided in this case instead. The module without providers is imported separately and the config provided like so:

    import { NgxEchartsModule, NGX_ECHARTS_CONFIG } from 'ngx-echarts';
      standalone: true,
      selector: 'my-chart',
      template: `
        <div echarts [options]="chartOptions" class="demo-chart"></div>
      imports: [NgxEchartsModule],
      providers: [
          provide: NGX_ECHARTS_CONFIG,
          useFactory: () => ({ echarts: () => import('echarts') }),

    This method also works in NgModules.