I am trying to implement the ad in my app with Custom Native Ad Format - https://developers.google.com/ad-manager/mobile-ads-sdk/android/native/custom-formats#java_1
So, according to the documentation I am going with the approach described there and creating the ad
private void setListeners() {
imageView.setOnClickListener(v -> {
private NativeCustomFormatAd nativeCustomFormatAd;
AdLoader adLoader = new AdLoader.Builder(context, "/6499/example/native")
new NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomFormatAdLoadedListener() {
public void onCustomFormatAdLoaded(NativeCustomFormatAd ad) {
// Show the custom format and record an impression.
nativeCustomFormatAd = ad;
Drawable drawable = vm.nativeCustomFormatAd.getImage("IMAGE").getDrawable();
new NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomClickListener() {
public void onCustomClick(NativeCustomFormatAd ad, String s) {
// Handle the click action
.withAdListener( ... )
.withNativeAdOptions( ... )
AdManagerAdRequest adManagerAdRequest = new AdManagerAdRequest.Builder().build();
So, it looks pretty simple I try to make a request for the ad then I got (in a callback) NativeCustomFormatAd
, save it as a class member, and along with it get drawable
and set it to the imageView
(to present it in the UI). Once a user clicks on the imageView
I get an event in the click listener and invoke nativeCustomFormatAd.performClick("IMAGE");
The problem is that I expect that once I transfer the ad click to the SDK (by nativeCustomFormatAd.performClick("IMAGE");) SDK is supposed to open the external browser, but instead nothing happens.
P.S. I am sure that nativeCustomFormatAd.performClick("IMAGE");
getting invoked and also I see that SDK gets the click as I got a callback event here:
new NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomClickListener() {
public void onCustomClick(NativeCustomFormatAd ad, String s) {
// Handle the click action
What am I missing here?
According to the docs you linked:
When a click is performed on a custom format ad, there are three possible responses from the SDK, attempted in this order:
- Invoke the OnCustomClickListener from AdLoader, if one was provided.
- For each of the ad's deep link URLs, attempt to locate a content resolver and start the first one that resolves.
- Open a browser and navigate to the ad's traditional Destination URL.
If you pass a listener object in, the SDK instead invokes its onCustomClick method and takes no further action.
Therefore, it seems you have to pass a null OnCustomClickListener.