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N queens problem using backtracking in javascript

I was trying to implement N-Queens problem using a backtracking algorithm. The goal was to place n queens on an n x n chessboard in such a way that no two queens attack each other. A queen can attack other queens if they are in the same row, column or diagonal.

I tried solving this way:

   function nQueen(boolArrBoard,row){
       if(row === boolArrBoard.length){
           return 1 *//count*
       let count = 0
       *//placing the queen and checking every row and column*
       for(let col = 0; col < boolArrBoard.length; col++){
           *//place the queen if it is safe *
               boolArrBoard[row][col] = true
               count += nQueen(boolArrBoard,row+1)
               boolArrBoard[row][col] = false
       return count
   function isSafe(boolArrBoard,row,col){
       for(let i = 0; i < row; i++){
           return false
       *//left diagonal*
       let maxLeft = Math.min(row,col)
       for(let i = 1; i <= maxLeft; i++){
           if(boolArrBoard[row - i][col - i]){
               return false
       *//right diagonal*
       let maxRight = Math.min(row, boolArrBoard.length - col - 1)
       for(let i = 1; i <= maxRight; i++){
           if(boolArrBoard[row - i][col + i]){
               return false
       return true
   function display(boolArrBoard){
       for( let row in boolArrBoard){
           for(let column in boolArrBoard[row]){
   let n = 4
   let boolArrBoard = Array.from({length: n}, () => {
       new Array(n).fill(false)

I have encountered this error:

node /tmp/Owi55b6DWs.js
            boolArrBoard[row][col] = true

TypeError: Cannot set property '0' of undefined
    at nQueen (/tmp/Owi55b6DWs.js:15:36)

Can anyone explain the problem in my code and what shall I do to resolve it or provide the correctecd code


  • The problem is that your board is not well initialised. This you can easily see when you print boolArrBoard. It looks like this:

    [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]

    The causing bug is that you didn't return anything in this callback:

       let boolArrBoard = Array.from({length: n}, () => {
           new Array(n).fill(false)

    Just add return or remove the braces in the arrow function.

    It would be good if you would inspect your variables while stepping through your code with a debugger.