In my current Jekyll setup I am writing all my posts using the asciidoc (.adoc
) file format, specifically I'm using these plugins
- jekyll-asciidoc
- jekyll-redirect-from
- jekyll-feed
I am in need to create a custom HTML component which I have added in component.html
under the _includes
folder, following the includes feature of Jekyll.
I am able at the moment to use Liquid in a Markdown file to render the HTML component by just using
{% include component.html %}
at any point in my posts, but I can't do the same with asciidoc files. I've taken a look at their documentation and I can't find a suitable way to make use of this Jekyll feature.
Is there a way to use Liquid in asciidoc?
After a little bit of research I've found a couple of things with which I was able to inject _includes
HTML components in an asciidoc file.
has a special page attribute to enable Liquid preprocessing, you can find the docs at :page-liquid:
So, in order to enable Liquid preprocessing you just have to add this to the asciidoc post
With this, Jekyll is going to parse every Liquid statement in your file before actually passing it to the asciidoc generator.
The post needs another little change at this point, citing the docs:
If you’re using the Liquid include tag to include HTML into the AsciiDoc document, enclose it in a passthrough block.
++++ {% include file.html %} ++++
By default :page-liquid:
will escape Liquid generated content, which is why you need to enclose the {% include ... %}
statement in the asciidoc Passthrough construct ++++
that is going to inject raw HTML into the page itself.
In conclusion, this is what an example post should look like:
<p>Some sample text</p>
title: "HTML component in adoc
{% include component.html %}
It's also possible to accomplish this by creating an AsciiDoc Extension, for example I could create a block extension that recognises this syntax
Some text here
The ruby extension is going to be
require 'asciidoctor/extensions'
include Asciidoctor
Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do
block :example_component do
process do |parent, reader, attributes|
content = reader.lines.join(' ')
html = %(<p>#{content}</p>)
create_pass_block parent, html, {}, :content_model => :raw
This is going to produce the same result as above