I have an input list like:
var list = Arrays.asList("etc->hosts", "etc->dockers->ssl->certs", "root");
And I am trying to convert it into nested map:
{etc={dockers={ssl={certs={}}}, hosts={}}, root={}}
I tried to split the key from input list with dot i.e. '->' and tried to iterate over to construct a map: Map<String, Map>.
, both of them failed.
You don't need streams, just a simple for
loop that walks down each chain:
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
for (String chain : list) {
Map<String, Object> current = map;
for (String node : chain.split("->")) {
current = (Map<String, Object>)current.computeIfAbsent(node, n -> new HashMap<>());
If you want to avoid the unchecked cast warnings, you can define a self-referential map like this (assuming you don't plan to mix in additional value types):
class NestingMap extends HashMap<String, NestingMap> {}