I want to select all rows that match at least one of given tags from this table:
If I want to search by tag1 and tag3 it should return 1st, 3rd and 4th row and when I want to search by tag2 and tag4 it should return all of them because they all have this tag and if I want to search by tag4 it should return just 2nd row.
I found how to select ones that have all the tags provided which is:
.select().contains("tags", ["tag1", "tag2"])
but the returned rows meet all two tags at once so it returns just 2nd and 3rd row and I want it to return 4th row as well.
If you want to match any value of that array, then you need to encapsulate it within the OR filter:
const supabase = createClient(SUPABASE_URL, SUPABASE_KEY);
const { data: ret, error } = await supabase
You can also expand and use two or more OR
logical operators:
const { data: ret, error } = await supabase