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Actions on Google - CLI (gactions) comment not found

This questions maybe already asked but that is not solve my issue.

I'm trying to deploy my gactions script in google cloud function. So for that I have installed the gactions CLI in Ubuntu 20.04 machine, but I'm having some problems.

The mentioned gactions CLI comments not working in terminal, it's shows [ERROR] unknown command "test" for "gactions" error message.

Eg: gactions test --action_package action.json --project PROJECT_ID

enter image description here

Am using gactions version 3.2.0. Please suggest me how to use those comments in terminal.

I have tried with sudo gactions test --action_package action.json --project PROJECT_ID that also not working.


  • As the error [ERROR] unknown command "test" for "gactions" describes that the test command is not validating by the gactions CLI.

    Might be due to below reasons, can you you have a check on this :

    • As per this official doc , you are trying to execute the text command but make sure the action package name given by you is correct.
    • Can you try any other arguments mentioned in the gactions supported arguments doc and have a try whether those are validating or not.
    • Enable the Actions API in the Google Cloud console by following the instructions in Enable and disable APIs. This allows gactions to interact with your project.
    • Make sure you have installed the gactions CLI correctly by running the command 'gactions version' to check the version number. If the version number matches the version you installed, then the CLI is probably installed correctly. If not reinstall the CLI using this gactions overview