I have a image grid(in array form),
There I am trying to add multi-deletion functionality.
So When checkbox of each image from grid is checked, I am maintaining an array named selectedImages with selected image's Index from imagegrid array
and on click of delete button I have coded below remove method:
removeSelectedImages() {
console.log(this.additionalPhotos); //ImageGrid array
console.log(this.selectedImages); //selectedImages array
this.selectedImages.forEach((selectedImageIndex, index) => {
this.additionalPhotos.splice(selectedImageIndex, 1);
this.selectedImages.splice(index, 1);
But issue I am facing is splice is just working once, initially I thought that is because suppose I reset value of index 2 and when it comes to index 3 then it becomes index 2 so issue is coming. so as solution I have reversed selected images array based in value (indexes of Grid image array) but still it is behaving same.
suppose I selected image 2 & 1 but splice only deleting value 2 second time it is not coming inside loop however if I remove splice then it runs 2 times.
Kindly suggest best method for it.
You can try to filter
deleted images:
let additionalPhotos = [{fileSrc: 'aa', fileName: '1.png'}, {fileSrc: 'bb', fileName: '2.png'}, {fileSrc: 'cc', fileName: '3.png'}, {fileSrc: 'dd', fileName: '4.png'}, {fileSrc: 'ee', fileName: '5.png'}, {fileSrc: 'ff', fileName: '6.png'},]
const selectedImages = [2,4]
function removeSelectedImages() {
additionalPhotos = additionalPhotos.filter((_, idx) => {
return !selectedImages.includes(idx)