Say for instance I want to repeat the line of code
Integer int1 = new Integer(value1);
for many variables, such as int1 to int100. I am not asking about this exact task in particular - I am asking about any such situation where the code would be identical save for replacing small details like int1 and value1 with int2, value2. Is there a way to have the JVM complete this for me?
I am not even sure what approach to take on this or what term to search for more information. The only thing I can think to try is instead of typing "int1", having a loop that changes a string containing the name and attempting to pass the string as a symbol to the JVM but this of course does not work.
It was a little strange question and I don't know if I understood your meaning correctly or not. But in this particular case, instead of repeating the code, you can use a data structure like an array. See Oracle tutorial.
int[] numvar = new int[arr.length];
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
int someNumber = Integer.parseInt(args[i]);
numvar[i] = someNumber;