I have a bit of code that sends an HTTPRequest and depending on what the response is, will retry the request a number of times after a short wait.
I have no idea how to mock this out, this is what I have so far
EXPECT_CALL(*requester, send_request(HttpResponse))
HttpResponse response;
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_requester, response()).WillOnce(Return(&response)).WillOnce(Return(&response)).WillOnce(Return(&response)).WillOnce(Return(&response));
EXPECT_THROW(loop_function("hello", true), std::runtime_error);
The actual function is very simple. It attempts to send an HttpRequest, then if it gets back a non 200 response, it will retry up to 3 times. I want to test to make sure it should fail 4 times before throwing an error but gmock is not cooperating (I know the function works, just want to figure out this gmock test)
You can chain multiple WillOnce
calls on an expectation, like in this minimal example:
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
using testing::Return;
class MyMock {
MOCK_METHOD0(get_status, int());
int main(void)
MyMock m;
EXPECT_CALL(m, get_status())
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
std::cout << m.get_status() << std::endl;