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Developing task switcher, code changes not reflected on Alt+Tab

I'm developing my own task switcher in QML. When I change the code (main.qml) and press Alt+Tab, the KDE task switcher stays the same even if its preview from the System Settings shows the changes. The task switcher gets updated only after the next login.

I use Kubuntu 22.10, KDE 5.26.5 and my Task switcher is in ~/.local/share/kwin/tabbox/ folder.

Is there a way to apply QML code changes or to notify KDE about the source code being modified? Or is there another way to develop a task switcher (not invoking it by Alt+Tab)?

I tried removing qmlcache rm -rf ~/.cache/*qmlcache*, but it didn't help.


  • Restarting KWin should work: kwin_x11 --replace (if you're on X11; afaik it's not possible to restart the window manager on Wayland).

    You can also try qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin org.kde.KWin.reconfigure.