In JavaScript, it's easy to associate some context with a synchronous function call by using a stack in a global scope.
// Context management
let contextStack = [];
let context;
const withContext = (ctx, func) => {
context = ctx;
try {
return func();
} finally {
context = contextStack.pop();
// Example
const foo = (message) => {
const bar = () => {
withContext("calling from bar", () => foo("hello"));
This allows us to write context-specific code without having to pass around a context object everywhere and have every function we use depend on this context object.
This is possible in JavaScript because of the guarantee of sequential code execution, that is, these synchronous functions are run to completion before any other code can modify the global state.
We can achieve something similar with generator functions. Generator functions give us an opportunity to take control just before conceptual execution of the generator function resumes. This means that even if execution is suspended for a few seconds (that is, the function is not run to completion before any other code runs), we can still ensure that there is an accurate context attached to its execution.
const iterWithContext = function* (ctx, generator) {
// not a perfect implementation
let iter = generator();
let reply;
while (true) {
const { done, value } = withContext(ctx, () =>;
if (done) {
reply = yield value;
It would also be very useful to attach some context to the execution of an async function.
const timeout = (ms) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
const foo = async () => {
await timeout(1000);
const bar = async () => {
await asyncWithContext("calling from bar", foo);
The problem is, to the best of my knowledge, there is no way of intercepting the moment before an async function resumes execution, or the moment after the async function suspends execution, in order to provide this context.
Is there any way of achieving this?
My best option right now is to not use async functions, but to use generator functions that behave like async functions. But this is not very practical as it requires the entire codebase to be written like this.
Using context like this is incredibly valuable because the context is available deep down the call-stack. This is especially useful if a library needs to call an external handler such that if the handler calls back to the library, the library will have the appropriate context. For example, I'd imagine React hooks and Solid.js extensively use context in this way under-the-hood. If not done this way, the programmer would have to pass a context object around everywhere and use it when calling back to the library, which is both messy and error-prone. Context is a way to neatly "curry" or abstract away a context object from function calls, based on where we are in the call stack. Whether it is good practice or not is debatable, but I think we can agree that it's something library authors have chosen to do. I would like to extend the use of context to asynchronous functions, which are supposed to conceptually behave like synchronous functions when it comes to the execution flow.
I'm only realizing now that the previously-accepted answer does not work in browsers, as browsers do not implement async stack traces. I hope that an alternative hack is possible and so I am starting another bounty.
There is now a simple NPM module for providing sync and async function contexts:
As far as I know ECMA has no specification for "contexts" (regardless if it's a normal or async function). Therefore the solution you posted for normal functions is already a hack.
As per ECMA standard, there is no JavaScript based API to hook await in order to do a generator like trick. So you have to rely on (environment based) hacks. These hacks may highly depend on the environment you're using.
A solution which is purly based async stack traces is the following one.
Since nearly every JavaScript interpreter is based on V8 this works on nearly every use case.
const kContextIdFunctionPrefix = "__context_id__";
const kContextIdRegex = new RegExp(`${kContextIdFunctionPrefix}([0-9]+)`);
let contextIdOffset = 0;
function runWithContextId(target, ...args) {
const contextId = ++contextIdOffset;
let proxy;
eval(`proxy = async function ${kContextIdFunctionPrefix}${contextId}(target, ...args){ return await, ...args); }`);
return, target, ...args);
function getContextId() {
const stack = new Error().stack.split("\n");
for(const frame of stack) {
const match = frame.match(kContextIdRegex);
if(!match) {
const id = parseInt(match[1]);
if(isNaN(id)) {
console.warn(`Context id regex matched, but failed to parse context id from ${match[1]}`);
return id;
console.log(new Error().stack)
throw new Error("getContextId() called without providing a context (runWithContextId(...))");
A simple demo:
async function main() {
const target = async () => {
const contextId = getContextId();
console.log(`Context Id: ${contextId}`);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
console.log(`Context Id (After await): ${getContextId()} (before: ${contextId})`);
return contextId;
const contextIdA = runWithContextId(target);
const contextIdB = runWithContextId(target);
// Note: We're first awaiting the second call!
console.log(`Invoke #2 context id: ${await contextIdB}`);
console.log(`Invoke #1 context id: ${await contextIdA}`);
This solution leverages stack traces in order to identify a context id. Traversing the (sync and async) stack trace and using dynamically generated functions with special names allows to pass a special value (a number in this instance).
NodeJS offers a way for Asynchronous context tracking:
It should be possible to build an async context by using AsyncLocalStorage.
You might want to use a transpiler (like babel or typescript) which convert async functions to generator functions on the fly. Using a transpiler allows you to even write a plugin for implementing async contexts based on generator functions.