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Error while trying to add external local fonts in nextJS

I'm trying to add local font to my NextJS + TailwindCSS project. I have added the font inside public/fonts folder and I'm following the docs:

This is my code

import localFont from '@next/font/local'
const inter = Inter({
    subsets: ['latin'],

const recoleta = localFont({
    src: 'fonts/Recoleta-Regular.ttf',
    fontFamily: 'Recoleta',

And I'm getting this error from the terminal.

I need help on which folder to add it or how to configure it perfectly.

Module not found: Can't resolve './fonts/Recoleta-Regular.ttf'


  • Had this error and fixed the issue by setting it up as such. Used for assistance. Using app folder.


    import CustomFont from '@next/font/local'
    const cfont = CustomFont({
      src: '../public/fonts/cfont.ttf',
      variable: '--font-cfont',
    export default function Home() {
      return (
        <div className={`${cfont.variable}`}>
          <div className="font-cfont">


    const { fontFamily } = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme')
    /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
    module.exports = {
      content: [
      theme: {
        extend: {
          fontFamily: {
            cfont: ['var(--font-cfont)', ...fontFamily.sans],
      plugins: [],