I have the following sample data and would like to have all values below a certain value, e.g., 0, highlighted in bold. I can do this for individual columns, but not for all columns at once. I have the procedure for changing the font color, for example, but it does not seem so easy to convert the procedure to bold face.
Assuming that a table contains many columns, specifying each column seems very tedious. Also, looping through each column does not seem to be a suitable way to specify each column.
Sample data:
df <- data.frame(a = runif(10, -20, 20),
b = runif(10, -20, 20),
c = runif(10, -20, 20))
Example Code:
# bold face values below threshold for one column
ft <- df %>%
flextable() %>%
bold(., ~ a < 0, ~ a, bold = TRUE)
# change font color below threshold for all columns
ft <- df %>%
flextable() %>%
color(color = function(x){
out <- rep("black", length(x))
out[x < 0] <- "red"
you have to put a boolean matrix with TRUE in cases to be bold
like this
out=matrix(FALSE,nrow = nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x))
out[x < 0] <- TRUE